
Showing posts from May, 2011

In Santa Monica

Teh lady and I have arrived. We got in late Saturday and have been spending most of our time trying to make our new place feel like home. Our big items won't arrive until next suitcases and plastic everything. Santa Monica is unique. I don't think it's quite settled in where we are, what the people are into or any of that sort of thing. The weather as expected is surreal. We wake up anticipating some sort of rain or extended overcast. Nope. It's yet to feel hot simply relaxing. We haven't gone a dinner without a glass of wine. It does seem easy to enjoy this all too much. We're without internet for maybe a week or so. Apologies, but we hope to get a provider in the door sooner than later. Once we get our stuff set up it'll be back to usual and full of rage (some things don't change). It's all happening! I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

And we are off

It's been an amazing five years Chicago. Thanks for all the memories, you'll be missed.( I don't have internet at this moment, so this is a phone post, forgive me for keeping it brief. ) California I hope you're ready. Frank Chow lands tonight. I am Frank Chow and it's all just beginning

Get Your Dunkin Friday

Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Tomorrow is the day! Let me first say I'm exhausted. The drive by my lonesome yesterday in the miserable weather was not fun. I enjoyed the car much more than previous rides, but holy hell country roads are a bitch. On top of that the train was packed. I keep forgetting it's Memorial Day weekend...probably a good thing. I digress, tomorrow we hop on a plane to move to California. It's been a long lead up to this life changing extravaganza, we're nervous, excited, pumped, ready and blessed. To you California peeps, I look forward to partaking in the sunshine, returning to my natural skin tone and SURF'S UP DUDE, let's get a drink or two after the lady and I get settled. Here are your highlights: They had 24 minutes and technology are wonderful things, wish we could spend more money on these sorts of things. More on the Real Michelle Rhee Is Palin pulling a Trump? How to raise y...

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

Well, I'm on the road most of the day. I've got to drive the car to my lady's parent's place in Central Illinois then hop on a train back up to Chicago. Gonna be a long one. Last night we went to our favorite spot in town Blue 13 with our good friend Sterno. I arrived a little early to see what concoctions their General Manager/Beverage Director Dan might come up with for Ransom Old Tom Gin . Alas, they had run out the night before! (people are catching on, I must do something to keep precious mine) So instead I went with the Small's Gin, followed by Rogue and finished with some Hendricks. Each cocktail was unique and done just right. As for the food, you can't go wrong with lobster pizza, and a pork chop from the rock gods \m/. It was great to sit down, chat, enjoy some drinks, some fantastic food (we even got Sterno to try brussel sprouts and bacon) and to top the night off they played Manchester Orchestra. I'll miss this city, especially because of night...

There is a List

Of those who voted "Yes" to end Medicare aka the Ryan Plan and Oliver Willis has got it . NY-26 should only be the beginning. I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Ninja Thought

Hell hath no furry... I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Last night was a celebratory Drinking Liberally and boy did I drink. The only downside to the entire night was the depressing loss by the Bulls to the Heat . Conclusion; everyone in the bar hates Lebron James. HATES! We're off to California on Saturday, I'm counting down the days. The place is cleaned up and down. Only thing left to do is drive the car to her folks which I'll be doing tomorrow. Hopefully the weather clears up because I hate driving in storms. At least this time the car is equipped with satellite radio and kick ass speakers. Boom baby! Here are your highlights: Democrats: We’ll Use NY-26 Medicare Formula Around The Country , Congrats to Kathy Hogul! Been a long time, Resolution of Regret for the Chinese Exclusion Act Portis to the Giants? Minnesota should be ashamed, hopefully the people send an "F You!" to their members Compassionate conservatism . Cantor wants spending cu...

Drinking Liberally One Last Time..

Okay, not really. However tonight will be my last Drinking Liberally Chicago with the current lot of misfits, socialists and pinko scum. Coincidently, I'm not the only one who is moving, I just happen to be the first. The crew you see is a changing. I have many a fond memory of DL. It's become something I look forward to every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. It's amazing what can occur after you cautiously sit down with a bunch of strangers. Through the power of booze and politics I found a group of people who can talk about a variety of things intellectually for hours on end. I now proudly call them friends. I can only hope that after some time in Santa Monica, I'll find friends as good as the ones I've made at Drinking Liberally. Here's to Pints & Politics! I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Club for Grunts

NPR : But where some see an attack on workers' rights, others see a new era of fiscal restraint. "It's incredibly encouraging for organizations like ours," says Barney Keller, spokesman for the conservative group Club for Growth. "Many Americans believe that record debt and record deficits just cannot be sustained anymore," Keller says. "Because of record debt and record deficits, they see teachers and firefighters and all other local things that impact them directly ... and they feel like they're getting the short end of the stick." No follow up to the merit of Club for Grunts Barney Keller's statement. Just this: Labor leaders say many of these anti-union measures go far beyond cost-cutting, and attack the very existence of unions. One side says this, the other side says that! YOU DECIDE! Let me clarify. Unions and workers' rights are not the cause of debts, deficits Keller is talking about and they aren't hopping about in cash mo...

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy It's Tuesday and I spent most of my day yesterday cleaning our bathroom for the next tenant. I'm pretty sure I was high off of bleach...still am. I will probably attempt to conquer the kitchen next. Yup, I'm "Susie Homemaker" this week as the lady is working tirelessly and someone has to prep her place before we leave. It's crazy in four days we'll be on a plane to start the next big step in our lives. Last Drinking Liberally get together tonight, if anyone knows the guys out in LA send me an email. I'd like to continue my habitual rage. Here are your highlights: More on the tornado that devastated Missouri Trekkies building Trekkie/er Resort? Comical, Cantor wants Paul Ryan to run for the White House Tweeeeeee How it works these days... Making Our Own Reality . Obama says something. Right-wing freaks out about what Obama didn't say. Press repeats right-wing freak out. Obam...

We're Being Played

Political Wire : A new study of stock trading by members of the House of Representatives concludes that lawmakers earned "significant positive abnormal returns" -- approximately 55 basis points per month or 6% annually -- over standard market returns. The results mirror a previous study that focused on trading by Senators. Perhaps that's what Sen. Michael Bennett meant when he said , "it's all rigged." I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Monday

It's all gone! Our stuff is gone! Saturday the movers came, they saw and they conquered our stack of stuff in less than three hours. If you ever plan on moving cross-country I highly recommend a national moving company. The efficiency was amazing. Saturday night we had a small get together of friends at Sheffield's. It was lovely just hanging out, drinking a few too many g & t's and seeing people before we head out to Santa Monica. This is our last week in Chicago. Late last night after visiting my cousins it finally hit me. It's all been moving so quickly I don't think I've allowed myself the chance to take it in. I'm gonna miss this city, but most of all I'm gonna miss my family in Chicago. This week I'm an errand boy. Oh and cleaning like a fool. Here are your highlights: An Ireland homecoming for Obama Extreme weather, Missouri hit by tornado kills 89 "Our Country is in Big Trouble" yes, we are especially when clowns like Tim Pawle...

Stuff Goes on the Truck Today

And I can't feel my legs...jk. We're beat and still have a couple of things to wrap up. My computer is going too. *Le Sigh. See you in California stuff! I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Ninja Thought

I'm sure the Free Market Fairy just temporarily misplaced her wand I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Friday

Well one day to get it all wrapped up. Luckily, we don't have to worry about the big stuff. We're moving cross-country, so we hired movers that will wrap up, move and ship our big stuff without us prepping a thing. Awesome. Stuff. We have lots of it. Even in small apartment. It's quite amazing. We're heading to Sears Tower today just before we have to buckle down. My lady was kind enough to get us a fast past because sadly in my five years here, I've never been. Cross it off the list! In other news my longtime friend and future best man, Paddy K turns 30 today. Wish him a Happy Birthday folks! Our next TAT probably won't be till I'm settled in Santa Monica, thanks for your patience! Here are your highlights: Comcast acting like the monopoly it is... The latest in faux outrage by the Right, Obama in the Middle East Hopkins v Pascal II , I thought it was close the last time and I don't foresee Hopkins taking two knockdowns this go around. Might be exciti...

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

I'm free!!!! Today is my first day of no longer working at the office, in fact any office. I'm filled with anxiety and great relief. For the past three years I've subjected myself to an unhealthy work environment and with our new journey on the horizon I decided to make Wednesday my last day. It's unbelievable. Today I'll be packing up our things, organizing our move and wrapping up loose ends here and there (maybe I'll get some cleaning in as well). The stuff goes on the truck in two days. All of this is happening so quickly I've barely had any time to reflect or enjoy the moments. I'm hoping once we land in Santa Monica, gather our things, and breath; the lady and I can celebrate not only our three year anniversary, but our new home and life. Here are your highlights: Moody's, S&P Warn U.S. Risks Triple-A Credit Rating If It Defaults On Debt -- Even Briefly Why we are falling behind, College is now becoming too much of a financial burden Puttin...

Goodwin Liu Guilty of Audacity

Goodwin Liu has been nominated for the 9th Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals for over a year...let me explain, the Republican members of the Senate have held up Liu's nomination so long that President Barack Obama had to re-nominate him. That's right. Republicans wouldn't even allow a vote on Liu. So this is his second go around through the unruly process, but why is Goodwin Liu's nomination such a big deal to Republicans? Because he has audacity and this sort of thing is not supposed to come from a "model minority" such as Liu. A Yale Law School graduate. Rhodes Scholar. Constitutional Law Scholar. Bad Ass. That's Goodwin Liu. Normally this thing would be okay with Republicans except Liu doesn't play by their rules. You see, only good, conservatives boys who believe corporations are people get to have audacity (they try to remind Obama of that everyday) and Liu tells it like it is and not in the flipping off while peering down my goggle glasses ...

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Today is my last day at work. FUCK YES! It's finally here and I can't wait for the next journey my lady and I embark on. It's been a trying past three years at my position. I can honestly say I won't miss it. I won't miss the phone calls, the rude customers, the unappreciative and cold work environment, the office politics and most of all it was never wanted I wanted to do with my life. It did, however afford me the opportunity to get back into acting. If it weren't for the helpful European vacation schedule, I wouldn't have had the time to audition for my first break. It also paid for my sweet photoshop skillz, so I guess we both got something out of it. They had another rotating cog and I can make a mockery of Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin ! WIN! We are packing up our stuff the next two days. Crazy. Stuff goes on the truck to Santa Monica on Saturday. It's all happening. Here are your highlights: Obama walks the tight rope and speaks about the Middle ...

Ninja Thought

Reminder: If they GOP had their way , we'd be in the Second Great Depression. Still. I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

Busy day. One more day in this hell hole. Here are your highlights: OOPS! Historic 'Spending Cut' Bill Increased Spending By $3 Billion Paul Ryan is becoming a sad, theatrical character of his Galt self Mobile Payments? #1 #1 #1 D. Rose shining in the playoffs Stewart head to head with O'Reilly Playing with the Debt Ceiling hurts the economy . It's not difficult to understand and the Republican Party is reckless in its games . Chow!

Ninja Thought

The Appalachian Trail Plan I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Monday

Well shit Blogger, what happened? Not even an explanation, but my posts got messed up, lost one, only saved another and didn't post my "Santa Monica" one for a whole day. Awesome. So anyway, what was supposed to be uninterrupted sucky blogging became non-existent sucky blogging. Yes I was in LA for less than two days for a work trip. Yes our stuff goes on the moving truck on Saturday. We're only in Chicago for two more weeks and I think it finally hit us yesterday. Crazy. I can't wait, but we'll miss the hell out of this amazing town. Here are your highlights: The reign of Mayor Emanuel begins today Success! The Shuttle Endeavor blasts off Blackwater/XE evil mastermind is now in another country being just as evil Piracy sends "Go the Fuck to Sleep" to #1 on Amazon Can't stress this enough, there's yet to be a definitely serious candidate out of the Republican Party . Not one, no matter who the establishment media wants to exalt. Chow!

Walking around Santa Monica

Might be too easy to get used to. Especially on the company dime one last time before the move. Chow!

Headslamondesk: The Asian Pick-Up Artist

Dear Asian Male Douchebag aka PUA, Women are not trophies. They are not objects. They are not dolls or collectibles. You sir are an asshat, calling yourself a "pick-up artist" is NOT, I repeat NOT cool. It is only considered cool in the kind of circles that wear $40 tee shirts with a worn finish slaved over by child laborers and an ironic statement about boobs (it's funny cuz women have boobs and men like them and stuff). You are not helping Asian men gain respect or accomplish anything in America. What you are doing is reaffirming the idea that you are an insecure, weak individual who must overcompensate for your obviously glaring short-comings. Stop it. Stop now. And I'm talking to you J.T. Tran. Gawker: Meet J.T. Tran, "The Asian Playboy" and America's " #1 Dating Coach for Asian Men." He makes a cameo in Wesley Yang's New York magazine article about high-achieving Asian-American underdogs. As an aerospace engineer, J.T. spent his spa...

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Well tomorrow I go on a work trip to LA. Yes I've put in my two weeks, however when I put the notice in my employer had no readily available back-up. I guess I surprised them...which means I fly out tomorrow, conduct a seminar the following day and fly back to Chicago that same night. It's far more romantic doing a trip like that when you're George Clooney. I will be, most likely, miserably squished between two people on a four hour flight. I'm debating bringing the laptop and watching Firefly the whole time just to infuse my nerdiness upon those I'll be bumping elbows with. Here are your highlights: Senate confirms Edward Chen , it only took 600 days! The Washington Wizards get a much needed redesign , better, but why so many variables? Job openings increased in March Picking Sides: Star Wars Propaganda Posters The Speaker of the House is Speaking a Crazy Obama's approval rating jumps to 60% . Nate Silver breaks down what the killing of bin Laden does to Obama...

"Vile" Gangsta Rapper Scares Fox News

With songs about love and commitment: Something that absolutely frightens them . Also too, black male with facial hair. I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Ninja Thought

Asian Tigger Cubs I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

Well the year of 30 has begun! Last night they lady and I enjoyed fine dining across from Millennium Park at Henri . The space was much smaller than I anticipated, but appreciated. We enjoyed Lobster Wellington, a spectacular cocktail called Sullivan's Wake, the lady chose the duck with goat cheese and I chose the venison with artichokes and blueberries. Both were prepared well, I didn't leave a spec on the plate...gluttonous! Most importantly, aside from the food and service, the chatter wasn't too loud. It being my birthday I didn't want the loud clamor that comes with gastro pubs and group seating. I'm old I know. I wouldn't recommend Henri, however for anything, but a special occasion. It's quite expensive (special thanks to my lady aka the bomb/awesome) and I've had comparable meals at less cost. Although the view of the park almost makes up for it. Overall I left satisfied and happy I had chosen Henri. Santa Monica in three weeks. WOW. Here are you...

Three Miles Down

One of those tunes that inspired me to craft better songs: It's my birthday and I'll post what I want to. I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Ninja Thought

Yellno I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Monday

Today I'm 30. Yup, 30 years ago today I was born in Alexandria, VA. To be honest, in my morbid head, I never thought I'd live to see this day. Thankfully I'm here and highly anticipating my next big adventure in Santa Monica . This weekend was great; hung out with the future in-laws, checked out our reception space, met up with old friends to watch the Pacquiao v. Mosley ( disappointing fight), ate some delicious Dim-Sum and took a stroll around Lincoln Square. It was how I wanted it, low key. I'm excited to see what's in store for me at 30. I have a new five-year plan, much more focused and with high expectations. I hope to overachieve in the years to come. Tonight I'm going to drink to 30 more years with my favorite person in the world, my lady. Here are your highlights: Obama on "60 Minutes" in a poignant interview How to make education worse in America, out pricing it Torture apologist Liz Cheney hits new all time low . I didn't know that was p...

LEAKED: Photos of Osama bin Laden Dead

Through my anonymous and various inside sources, I was able to obtain these deeply classified images of Osama bin Laden after he was killed. The photos have been verified through a Pakistani official who I met recently while watching a cricket match that lasted two whole days. I've left out said Pakistani official's name upon his request. Plus it's really difficult to spell (his name is Bob). WARNING : These images are graphic and could lead to a queasy stomach, a case of the vapors or excessive vomiting. Consult a doctor before viewing said photos. If you have any heart or breathing issues, it's probably best you put down the gigantic 7-Eleven cup fused to your hand before viewing these photos. In other words there is a shit ton of blood. A photo of Osama bin Laden moments after he was killed. After years of seclusion it is apparent he grew a righteous amount of facial hair. A photo of Osama bin Laden minutes later after he was moved from part of the compound to anothe...

Get Your Dunkin Friday

I got me an extra large Dunkin today. Last night I made shredded chicken and the lady and I had some margaritas with some bad ass chicken tacos. Cinco de Mayo! Needless to say a food coma needs a shot from the Dunkster. In other news the future in-laws are coming into town for the night, so we'll be hitting up their local stomping ground Harry Caray's . This weekend is packed (pun intended) of pre-move stuff. I can't really wrap my head around it right now... Here are your highlights: Osama bin Laden still dead, al Qaida releases statement The clown show of the GOP presidential race has begun! Restaurant workers turn heroes, stop attack at drive-through The pew pew, stealth copter used in the bin Laden raid is ninja like Reality Check for the primary firebaggers It's fight weekend! Manny "Pac-Man" Pacquiao faces Shane Mosley in a match-up I would have been super hyped about five years ago. Watching Pacquiao mature of his career has been a sight . I do hope t...

Right Wing Billionaire Afraid of Black Guy

Or something : "Obama is a hardcore socialist and he's marvelous at pretending to be something other than that, but that is what I believe he truly is, a hardcore socialist. He's scary to me." - Billionaire David Koch, quoted by New York magazine. I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Ninja Thought

The Free Market Fairy is fucking dead . Bury her and move on to a fairy that does something, anything. I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

Back to our regularly scheduled blogging! Thanks to everyone who reached out through various forms of social media, we really are excited to move to California . Last night was funny, funtastic and funtabular. I'll just say it rooooocked. This weekend is chalk full of random packing and planning stuff. We're still getting married in Chicago, so the future Mrs. and I have to get as much as we can locked down before we move. I'm also returning to a quasi-regular work out program, hip injury be damned. Umm yeah, it's Thursday and I'm kind of hung over, forgive me if this is all over the place. Here are your highlights: Something to Keep an Eye On A Texas teacher proves how stupid human beings can be... despite their station Read Oliver Willis New Green Lantern Trailer with even more CGI Well ain't that just a cry me a river, Obama apparently hurt Bush's feelings *Meh Meh Breaking up with your favorite band Interesting insight into the character of our preside...

Moving to California

Some of you are already aware of this, but I wanted to formally announce that my fiance and I are moving to Santa Monica, CA . My fiance (amazingly awesome, bad ass businesswoman) has accepted an unbelievable opportunity in her current company and we're relocating at the end of the month. It's been a trying last couple of months keeping my mouth shut, however I can finally tell everyone since I put in my two weeks yesterday. YES! HOORAY! *insert fireworks here Moving to Santa Monica, also allows me to pursue my acting career more diligently. Although I am forever indebted to Chicago for reigniting my fire to act, it is rather limited in its opportunities for the Asian male actor. I can't wait to get out to California and start creating. I know it will be a grind the first couple of years, but my desire to make acting a career won't wane. As for this blog, nothing should change. You'll still get the craptastic blogging style, snark and the occasional photoshop , howe...

Shameless Plug

I'm in of these sketches as Captain Awesome. Visit the Matthew Filipowicz Show and subscribe on ITunes as well! I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Ninja Thought

Conquering Super Agro Cragg I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Oh man oh man oh man. What a morning. Nothing like waking up to the Today Show bringing on past members of the Bush administration to try to rewrite history. Torture, did it lead to Osama?! Answer, nope , but the Today Show didn't really get to that, it's about being "balanced." I'm afraid this is what we have to look forward to, plenty of misinformation and plenty of people trying to rewrite history. *Le Sigh, so much for being united. I think it's our duty as liberals to combat teh stupid and give credit where credit is due , but also make sure our children don't grow up thinking the Bush administration was all Freedom Fries and Liberty Toast. As Booman said yesterday I'd like my decade back . And since I can't have it back, you won't get away with trying to pretend it was Bush/Cheney who made the clouds part to reveal Osama. Here are your highlights: Congrats ...

Ninja Thought

"Serious people" always suggest otherwise I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

On Celebrating bin Laden's Death

Digby : I don't do the celebrating death thing, so I won't be joining everyone in today's party. It's just not my thing -- people who cheer outside of prisons when someone is executed always make me feel uncomfortable too, even though I understand how they could feel that way, I just don't. So, when I hear this morning that people wish the president had been more joyous or more excited, I just have to disagree. Killing someone, even someone who clearly deserves it, is a sober event, especially for the person who ordered the killing. At least it should be. He was entirely appropriate in my view, and I thought to myself when I heard it just how grateful I was that it was he who announced rather than George W. Bush who wouldn't have been able to contain his bloodlust. It's these moments when I am very glad to have "no drama" Obama rather than Mr "Feels Good!" This is serious business and it requires a serious leader. And TNC in a sort of co...

Get Your Dunkin Monday

I'm still in a bit of shock. It's been a long strange trip . I'd like to say a lot, but at this time I don't seem to have the words. Osama bin Laden is dead. Obama announced it late last night and celebrations broke out. My first thought was, now what? Terrorism won't end. The troops are still fighting two wars. At home, here in America, we still are as divided as ever. So, now what? Don't try to answer that...I will say thank you to President Barack Obama and thank you to the men and women who have served and continue to serve our country proudly. The partisan banter has already eaten up my Twitter feed, can't say I'm surprised. I think this image sums up all of that quite nicely. Here are your highlights: U.S. Authorities Homed in on Osama for last nine months al-Qaida weaker Plenty of Credit to Go Around, Starting at the Top Maha ON BUSH, RYAN, WALKER, AND NOT LETTING A CRISIS GO TO WASTE And maybe the best question I've heard, Can I have my De...