Get Your Dunkin Monday

Was listening to this on the commute, seemed perfect considering the weekend walk to the Lake. I do think I'm done with the Chicago winters, I've been here four years now and frankly I've had enough. It's amazing how much the weather here can effect your mood, attitude and outlook on life. Sounds silly I know, but damn this past winter was brutal...and according to our weather overlords it's not over yet. It's like a 15 round boxing match and you've already been knocked out only to be picked back up and sent out to be knocked around for another round or two. That's Chicago winter. I can't wait for the sun to be a regular friend of mine, so that I may complain about my lack of air conditioning. It's gonna be a solid week of projects, drinking liberally and juicing my pecs, what's on your agenda?

Here are your highlights:

The planes are hitting Gaddafi directly
, yeah it's war

In Japan, Nuclear Plant Workers Evacuated

Scott Walker STATE IN DISARRAY...except when it comes to hiring buddies' mistresses

Republicans in Illinois trying to resurrect the death penalty - didn't we just have this debate?

NCAA Tourney still unpredictable, well aside from Illinois

Blue Doggery. Machin of West Virginia is a total idiot, but he is one of a slew of so-called "fiscally responsible" Congressmen who really aren't fiscal or conservative.



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