Wisconsin Karma

Maybe you shouldn't be warring on unions after all jackass:

The threatened wave of layoffs of public employees -- which Republican Gov. Scott Walker has said will occur if his budget bill does not pass with its anti-public employee union provisions -- is now hitting home with a top Republican leader. As the Associated Press reports, the wife of state Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald has now received a preliminary layoff notice.

Lisa Fitzgerald works as a counselor in the Hustisford school district, where the school board has sent layoff notices to all 34 members of the teaching staff.

I know this guy will blame the Democrats for the layoffs, when actuality it's his own party's policies that are at fault...then again he is a Republican, so perhaps this is his way of making sure his wife stays at home all servant like. Women do need to be put in their place after all.

Would love to visit this happy go lucky home. Who wants to bet we find this guy trolling for SWF's on Craigslist soon?

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message


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