Future Not Done Won

Providence takes winning the future and takes a big ole stinky dump on it:

The Providence school board voted to dismiss every one of the city's 1,926 public school teachers, the Providence Journal reports.

They won't all ultimately lose their jobs, but the move gives the board "maximum flexibility" to make budget cuts.

"Teachers begged the School Board to issue layoffs rather than fire them outright because, under the layoff provisions, teachers are recalled based on seniority. There is no guarantee that seniority would be used to bring back any of the fired teachers. School leaders have been vague about exactly how seniority will play out in the case of terminations."

I xpect all childrn to teachs themselfs and dis countrie will turns outs just fine. Letts cut moor taxes! Alsew 2, itz the unyonz fallt!

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message


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