Rep. Danny Davis Received Threat After Arizona Shooting

Raw Story:

After Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot on Saturday, Congressman Danny Davis' (D-IL) office reportedly received a threatening email warning that "Danny Davis is next."

Davis, a Democrat from Chicago's West Side who has represented Illinois's 7th congressional district since 1997, said he would normally ignore a threat such as this, but thought he should take action in light of the recent shooting.

"You know some things are cranks, some things are pranks," Rep. Davis told The Chicago Tribune. "Some things you simply don't know about, but I think in this climate it pays to be as cautionary as one can be."

Davis is my representative and the suspect has a history or has been known to do this before. Doesn't make it less serious or frightening. Although unlikely, let's hope there isn't a copycat out there.

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message


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