Texas Sized Stupid

I say let them secede:

Texas State Rep. Aaron Peña, of the state's 40th district, is expected to switch parties today, thereby giving Republicans a super majority in the Texas house, The McAllen Monitor reports.

Peña was first elected as a Democrat in 2002 and ran unopposed this year. He will bring the GOP to 100 members in the 150 member House. But Peña is actually the second Democrat to flip this week. State Rep. Allan Ritter, who also ran unopposed in November, announced this weekend that he would join the GOP, and is scheduled to appear at a news conference today alongside Gov. Rick Perry and Texas House Speaker Joe Straus. The Dallas Morning News reports that State Democratic Chairman Boyd Richie has called on Ritter to resign.

Republicans gained 22 seats in the Texas House in November, and a special election is being held
today to fill the seat of Republican Rep. Edmund Kuempe, who died of a heart attack after last month's election. A win there would give Republican 101 seats.

That's the next practical move. Any Democrat who switches parties during this era was never a Democrat in the first place. The differences between the two parties have never been so stark. Wonder when Gov. Rick Perry will be anointed King of Texas?

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