Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

Tonight is the last Drinking Liberally before the Mid-Term Elections! So get your Patriotic Pints, your Freedom Fries and your Liberty Lagers and hike over to Sheffield's at 3258 N. Sheffield Ave. Chicago, IL. It starts at 7pm and as you can see above we have a lot to discuss. WTF Kentuckians? A little back story, this is a satirist/activist in affiliation with under the guise of RepubliCorp. She was there to give Rand Paul an "Employee of the Month" award for his pro-corporation stance on pretty much everything. Violence is what she got in response. Since the incident Rand Paul has released a "both sides" nonsensical statement saying he hopes the woman is okay. Classy. I hope this wakes up voters in Kentucky and brings much needed attention to the type of vitriol hatred that has been spewed (and catered to by rw pundits) of late. Right wing extremism in America isn't a one off thing, it has been around since the dawn of our country. It's disgusting and the man who did the stomping deserves nothing less than a nice sentence in "pound me in the ass" prison.

Here are your highlights:

Contest: Make Your Own Evil Chinese Professor Ad, apparently the ad is Michael Bay's fault. Not surprised...

Bush Vindicated! WMD's & Saddam Hussein lies resurface

Casual Observation

Rahm for the Win - Jesse Jackson Jr. will not run for mayor

Sharron Angle wants Nevada residents to "Fear the Brown People"

Despite corporations buying elections nationwide, the Dems are closing the gap. A week to go, GET OUT AND VOTE PEOPLE!!



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