Best Healthcare in the World

Well not really...the Chicago Sun Times:

The family of a 17-year-old Zion teen credited with saving a drowning boy on Monday in Kenosha, Wis., say the good deed has unfairly saddled them with more than $2,000 in medical bills.

“He did what the lifeguard should have done — Trevor saved the boy,” Nicole Bollinger said Tuesday of her cousin, Trevor Hall.

“Now the hospital phones me this morning to say that they’re sending off the bill for Trevor being taken to hospital as a precaution afterwards.

“It’s not fair — we don’t have insurance for Trevor yet,” said Bollinger, who officially took on the role of guardian last month for Hall, who moved from Mississippi.

Aurora Medical Center spokesman Adam Beeson declined to discuss the specifics of the case, but said: “It’s our procedure that when financial information isn’t available at the time of care we will contact the patient or the family the next day just to verify their financial and insurance details. Our goal is to work with the patient to find an equitable solution.’’

Hall, Bollinger and other family members were swimming in Silver Lake just after 5 p.m. Monday when they heard calls from someone swimming five to 10 feet away, Hall said.

Hall quickly swam to where several boys were treading water in just over 5 1/2 feet of water, which was just outside the designated swim area, said an official with the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department Tuesday.

“One’s face was below the water, and I dived under trying to lift him up,” said Hall, who eventually managed to get the unconscious 14-year-old boy, Aaron Puente, into Bollinger’s hands. She performed a “Heimlich maneuver,” which led him to spit up and start breathing, before handing him to a lifeguard in the shallow water, she said.

Both teens were rushed to the Aurora Medical Center in Kenosha, said Sgt. Gil Benn.

“Hall was taken just for precautionary measures,” Benn said. Hall had swallowed some water in the incident.

The hospital later released them, but not before Hall had undergone a battery of tests, including chest X-rays, an electrocardiogram and blood work, said Bollinger.

“The ambulance bill is probably going to be around $700 they tell me,” said the single mother, who also cares for both a disabled brother and her mother. “That’s on top of the hospital bill and the ER, which I don’t have yet.”

Heroics don't go unnoticed in America. We send you the bill for not letting the young boy die as he was supposed to...I know I am being harsh, but for anyone paying attention this particular atrocity is the result of the having the BEST HEALTH CARE EVER!!

I bet a public option at the very least would assist someone like this, or perhaps Medicare for All, but that would be socialist now wouldn't it? And as we all know socialism wouldn't allow you to bill a family who can't afford it. Socialism, however would allow terror babies to save terror babies from drowning which has to be the only reason such a story like this exists. Right...right?

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message


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