Teachers Make Money

I have never understood why teachers don't get paid more, but apparently some get paid a decent wage in the Chicago area. The Tribune wants everyone to be outraged about that, but then when you look at the statistics of course it isn't outrageous:

—About 4 percent of teachers statewide earned $100,000 or more — 5,457 teachers — but the vast majority worked in the Chicago suburbs, with heavy concentrations in north Cook, DuPage and Lake counties. In all, 32 Chicago-area districts paid at least 20 percent of their teachers six figures — five times the state average.

—Six-figure teachers were unevenly distributed, with high school teachers making up 60 percent of the group — more than double their representation in the teaching force. Affluent suburban districts had the largest concentrations of six-figure teachers. Less than 1 percent of Chicago Public School teachers earned $100,000 or more in 2009.

A select few are paid relative to the community they are educating. How illogical indeed.

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