Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

So. So. So. SO! I went to the doctor yesterday for what I thought would be routine. I THOUGHT I would just walk in, get a few prescriptions refilled and then out the door I would go. To my surprise, the initial issue I went to the doctor for he didn't have answer for; so I might need surgery I might not, I might have to live with it I might not, I might need to use alien technology I might not. Cool. The worst part as I stated yesterday, I opened my mouth and was like "while I'm here, what's this?" Next thing I know he is inflicting pain on my and I leave in pain with four prescriptions for four different things. Awesome. SO yeah. Today I have an audition. I will be off the map later in day, but till then let's rage the eff on!

Here are your highlights:

Arizona loses its g-d mind

Season is over: T.O. might be headed to the Redskins

Feds investigating Amex usage of "the Golden Boy" Marco Rubio in FL

The Governator loves him some "injuns"

Puerto Rican birth certificates if you got one. It ain't worth anything in July!

Immigration Reform, What Boo Man Says



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