Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

Short week! Man do I love exclamation points! Last night was spent juicing my pecs, getting a tan and making a sweet dinner for my lady. I have nailed my wing recipe! It is sweet and spicy and awesome and rockin and cool and delicious and tasty and nom nom nomtastic! Phew. I had they day off yesterday so I watched much of the Olympics it was nice to see the couple from China take hold gold (I know again why don't I leave to China you socialist pig). It was also nice to see American Seth Wescott double up his golds in the snowboarding race. Wescott showed determination, skill and class throughout the qualifying rounds and interviews, if you noticed he carried his grandfather's flag who was a WWII veteran. Gotta love that, USA Hockey starts tonight, USA USA USA! Who wants to bet Patrick Kane tears up that Olympic Village like a raging frat boy...

Here are your highlights:

Taliban Leader Captured, it seems the change in strategy is working over there

In Illinois, the GOP race is finishing the count today

Opposing the Ideas They Support
call it the 2010 playbook for Republicans, say no even to those things they have already said "yes" to

Here is some advice: Listen to Elizabeth Warren

Improvements in Manufacturing

Probably all you can say about Evan Bayh and it's even worse. He won't be missed. I don't think this means the end for the Democratic Party and if you think that please give up already. Why even try? The United States of America is better off without Evan Bayh's in the Senate. It is far better to have an ideologue Republican (although a Dem win would be ideal) who at least is true to his truest colors than a wish washy, Village, Corruptocrat who stands for only the dollars that line his pockets.



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