Get Your Dunkin Monday

(Pic taken on Mission Pacific Beach)
Here in San Diego and it is amazing. We landed around Saturday afternoon and the rain had stopped and the sun was out. The lady and I were in heaven. Enjoyed a lovely late lunch at the PB Alehouse, if you are ever there try the Cheddar Beer Burger. IT.IS.GREAT. Nice views, decent service and good booze. I haven't been to a city quite like this, everyone is friendly, everyone is genuinely in a good mood and thus far it seems like everyone is happy to help us travelers from Chi-city. It really is hard to complain out here. They consider a cold day 60 degrees. Lady starts her conference today, so I am using the internet to plan my afternoon. If you have any suggestions let me know.

Here are your highlights:

Obama's Health Care Proposal, up before Thursday's summit as promised. Here it is explained.

Krugman on the Republican Party, hoping for disaster, the Bankruptcy Boys

Let's hope this is a sign of things to come

To the Village we are just peasants


With CPAC over we found out what we already knew, the "fringe" of the Republican Party is front and center and there is no apology about it. Conservatism at its core is dead. The Teabaggers have won.



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