Get Your Dunkin Monday

Super Bowl!!! Saints!!! How can you not root for the Saints this Super Bowl? I mean your choice is either the team of evil aka Manning's Horsemen or the team of New Orleans. After all they have been through who in their right mind, but the people of Indy, would root for the Colts? Exactly. Go Saints! The lady and I had a nice and relaxing weekend in Central Illinois. Not too bad. We got to get away, play some duck pin bowling and eat fried mushrooms at a local bar. And boy what mushrooms! I can still taste them. Not too happy to be back in cold Chicago right now. It is going to be a grumpy day ya'll...

Here are your highlights:

White House signals they are fed up with the filibuster

Teaching our children to enjoy witchcraft, Harry Potter gets its own theme park

STIMULUS! Get your facts straight people

Anyone, whether a Republican or Democrats, talking deficits and spending freezes at this time, can't be taken seriously. They always wants to keep spendings on their wars and all those hurting rich peoples...

Getting to Yes, Drum has some good news about the state of health care and most experts agree Pass. The. Damn. Bill. This is far from over and it is important to call your Congressmen or Senator. Heck call Pelosi for being the toughest leader on the block. Just let people know, the cost of doing nothing will be much worse than passing the Senate Bill.



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