Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

Hello Tuesday!! Why am I excited about Tuesday? Drinking Liberally Chicago is tonight and I get to see the lady and her new hairdo (insert cheesy music here). Regardless pumped for the banter and booze that will be had tonight. DL Chicago has a Twitter Account now which you can check out, and do it now! Above is a video for BANANA, which is taking place November 21st at USC. BANANA is the first ever gathering of prominent Asian-American bloggers meant to discuss and focus the voice and opinions affecting the community. It will include three of my favorite bloggers, The Minority Militant, Angry Asian Man and Disgrasian. If you are out in California don't miss this epic event with a great chance to shape the Asian-American future.

Here are you highlights:

40,000 troops!!!! Hold your horses, teh media strikes again with anonymous anonymity

The Tea Party's Next Target: the Climate Bill, which of course is a gubbament takeover of Oxygen

A message to the Republican Senators, Shut the Eff Up

Brian Gilmore from the Progressive, the D.C. Sniper Should Not be Executed, I am from Virginia and I recall all the panic that ensued throughout the snipers rampage. It was frightening to say the least. Gilmore makes the case that has been a big proponent for those from anti-death penalty side have been saying for sometime adding, "the justified anger of the victims’ kin does not justify state-sponsored killing." I suggest you read it



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