Musicians Angry, Did the US Torture Gitmo Prisoners with Music

Talking Points Memo:

A group of big-name musicians -- including Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, Bonnie Raitt, Rosanne Cash and dozens of others -- is demanding the White House release information about which songs were played at high volume to punish or interrogate prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.According to the Washington Post, the musicians announced today they support a Freedom of Information Act request submitted by the National Security Archive, a research institute.The government has been blasting detainees with music since 2002. But the current administration says they ended the practice when President Obama took office.Human rights groups call the practice torture.

Really? Reznor? I am sorry, but if we are going to torture, let's do it with some actual torturous music. I don't condone torture, but this is the US of A, we have so much crap music the catalog should be endless. Try hitting repeat on these Frank Approved annoying and terrible tunes!

Top Five Picks of Music to Torture Gitmo Prisoners!!

Hit repeat and you can tie together Al Quaeda and the Taliban in Iraq, Osama and Sadam, the Girl Scouts and Stalin, the Boy Scouts and Hitler, and of course Obama and the Devil.

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message


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