Get Your Dunkin Thursday

Thursday is here, which means two things Flash Forward and then Halloween parties this weekend. I have never been one to embrace Halloween as much as others. Perhaps because my profession lends itself to costuming on the regular. Alas this year the lady and I are debating two possibilities, a certain celebrity couple with eight kids (I am Asian-American, she is White aka the Devil) or a variation of a delicious snack and a play on words. I know gag alert. Costumes and such and couples, but hey it's the price you pay when you want to hang out with friends and together for one night look as stupid as possible.

Here are your highlights:

Good News, the economy grew in the third quarter

In Chicago, when Daley fails, you get cool new ideas like making Cops and Firemen take unpaid work days

Stream the new Say Anything, I am excited for this album, since it isn't two discs long and no epic story being told. Max Bemis is still one of the most talented young songwriters out there, let's hope it doesn't get to his head too much

In a moment of Obama is not Bush...Obama attends the return of the fallen from Afghanistan in Dover. This will probably be spun some way by the Right, let's hope not, but it shows America what a President is supposed to do and acknowledges he knows what his decisions mean for our troops. For all those pushing for escalation this is a gut check



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