Stress Tests the Truth Revealed

The banks passed the Stress Tests laid out by Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner, but what did these test look like? What is the reality of these test? Ladies and gentlemen I give you the Stress Test.

Here is an inside look:
  1. Do you lose time from work due to banking?
  2. Is banking making your banking life unhappy?
  3. Do you bank because you are shy with other banks?
  4. Is bank affecting your reputation?
  5. Have you ever felt remorse after banking?
  6. Have had financial difficulties as result of banking?
  7. Do you turn to inferior companions and environments when banking?
  8. Does your banking make you careless of your family's welfare?
  9. Has your ambition decreased since banking?
  10. Do you crave to bank at a definite time daily?
  11. Do you want to bank the next morning?
  12. Does banking cause you to have difficulty in sleeping?
  13. Has your efficiency decreased since banking?
  14. Is banking jeopardizing your job or business?
  15. Do you bank to escape from worries or trouble?
  16. Do you bank alone?
  17. Have you ever had a loss of memory as a result of banking?
  18. Has your physician ever treated you for banking?
  19. Do you bank to build up your self-confidence?
  20. Have you ever been to the hospital or institution on account of your banking?
Thank you for answering these tough questions, we know how hard it must for you right now. To comfort you here is a couple more billions dollars.


Timmy Geithner

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message.


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