Obama to Wear Michigan Jersey at Notre Dame Commencement

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This Sunday President Barack Obama is set to speak at the University of Notre Dame for the commencement of the Class of 2009. Debate has been abound as many Catholics are in protest of a prominent figure being pro-choice and in favor of stem cell research speaking at the Catholic of Catholicism universitadoms. The President himself has been rather silent about the commencement and what his speech will entail, but Associated People of Socialist Nation Press has the inside scoop.

The President isn't taking this lightly. Known primarily for his calm and cool President Barack Obama is secretly planning to wear an University of Michigan football jersey underneath his cap and gown. Citing anonymous sources of sorcery, the APSNP found that President Obama will actually finish his speech with the fight song of Michigan arguably the most recognizable fight song in the nation.

It is no telling what this will incite as the issue at hand has been differences in policy thus far, but it is sure to start a raging spark of rivalry. The gesture will be the first FUGG YOU the President has offered as he decided to take the high rode with the past boneheads of Arizona State University.

Many have stated this protest and "debate" is a matter of ridiculous posturing while others find it a point of concern for their university, those in the latter will be a group of 50 or so students organized in protest. Of the 50 students 49 will be too drunk to attend commencement and just don't have the heart to tell their parents they wasted their money.

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message.

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