Late Night Music with Frank- the Color Fred

I always get a little laugh from the "Most Played" section in my Itunes. It is a surprise to see where I was at in certain periods of my life. Luckily I do come across a tune every now and again that is still played non-stop in my car and headphones. "Hate to see you Go" by the Color Fred happens to one of them.

I was never really sold on the longevity of Fred Mascherino joining Taking Back Sunday. Something just didn't sit right with Fred's approach to music and the TBS's appreciation for making music to mosh and cry. It was for lack of a better word "off" and although I did like the release they put out it seemed Fred was held back.

On his first venture into a solo career he proved me right. This album had its moment of pure pop and outright rocking which combines two of my favorite aspects of the scene. The ability to find melody not only in the instruments, but the vocal themes play right into the listener's ear. Fred currently has an acoustic cd out where he showcases his lighter side. It is an independent record store only release, so indie...



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