Get Your Dunkin' Monday

It's Monday ya'll. This weekend was a blur probably because I have officially assimilated to the Borg that is the left wing progressive liberal bias side of the Jedi Order. In other words I met up with some cool people and attended an event for Nations of Nets and just to settle your nerves, yes I was wearing a ninja costume. I have to remain anonymous. Plenty to announce this week, plenty to RAGE about, but

Here are your highlights!

Boxing's loudmouth was silence yet again, Andre Ward dominated.

There used to be a bank here....Banks, Reborn

116 tools in space

Eminem's New Album is streaming on Myspace. Blerds predicted the album years ago.

Ezra Klein has begun at the Washington Post and is busy. Great reads and let's hope he continues his criticism of "the Wills" (Billy and George).

Telemarketer companies must die!

It's amazing with all their huffing and puffing about not investigating, now they WANT TO INVESTIGATE PELOSI! Do it, please and then we can have the Dicks and Bushies held accountable...wonder what color Boenher will turn once that happens?

Netanyahu and Obama this should be watched closely



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