
Showing posts from March, 2012

Get Your Dunkin Friday

I am tired. Last night was rough. We received some unsettling family news and it stuck with us through this morning. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers, if you do that sort of thing. I've got work in a bit. Then finally a night off. Here are your highlights: LA may be cutting jobs & hurting seniors . Can't stress this enough, gov't jobs are real jobs. Also too, raising the retirement age hurts doesn't help anything. Take that! Scott Walker Teh establishment is starting to come around for Mitt , reluctantly Zimmerman's and the police's story is "falling apart " HEY LISTEN UP! Austerity is friggin stupid Scalia, a depressingly sad figure Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

It's Thursday ya'll. My week is at the halfway point, but I'm tired already. I can't seem to catch up on sleep these days. We're in full wedding planning mode and yesterday we picked up our invitations. They look awesome! Super excited to get them out to people once the calligrapher is wrapped up. I've got a ton of stuff to do before work today. Hollerrrrr! Here are your highlights: The SCOTUS is a circus Mitt Romney's idea of funny, not most peoples' idea of funny Anti-Flag releases an "Occupy" album For your office, Mounted Zombie Head George Zimmerman on video puts holes in his and the police's story Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Last night was great. I was able to sit and listen to a panel of fellow writers who are making it in Hollywood. They fielded questions, gave advice, do and don'ts, and they all seemed down to earth. You could tell they each a unique drive about them, a "don't quit" attitude, if you will, that I feel I possess. Another  strikingly awesome aspect of the experience was seeing how many fellow AAPI's were actively seeking knowledge about the business and how to "break into television." We often complain about there not being enough roles out there for us, but the first step it seems is to write the roles we want. No better way in my opinion. A special thanks goes out to the East West Players for hosting the event at their awesome theater. Here are your highlights: What happens if the SCOTUS strikes down the individual mandate? Britain, austerity is stupid NRA selling concealed weapon hoodies.... Congrats to Beth Stelling for being awesome always a...

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

I'm back to work and then off to a cool workshop for writers and actors. I'm trying to balance my new work schedule with my other priorities. It so far hasn't happened, but I'm excited today to run around like a mad man. I've got to head out! Here are your highlights: What if Trayvon Martin Swung First? Republicans now want to take credit for things they had nothing to do with Olympia Snowe bitter and old Get ready, it's time to reveal the WANKER OF THE DECADE Michelle Malkin has been particularly terrible in the Trayvon Martin case Hey Gold Standard People, It's A Really Bad Idea Chow!

Obama, Care

This by John Cole sums it up. Regardless if you'd like to hear the legal arguments for and against the individual mandate, it's of no consequence. The Roberts' Court does what it wants, even if it contradicts what they've written in the past, said in a speech or whatever. It's about "drowning the government in the bathtub" and these scholarly asshats are more than happy to play their part, robes and all (fuck I'd bet they'd wear wigs if they could get them sewn by the little people). Obamacare, should be a welcomed change in our country. We have mediocre health care at best in America and the private insurance companies gauge us at every turn. Anything to rein in the insurance companies even a little bit, whether it's covering recent graduates or pre-existing conditions is a solid improvement. Nope, it's socialism. Obama is ruining our country!!! Kenyan! Donald Trump proved he's from there! GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE!! THIS WHEEL...

Get Your Dunkin Monday

Well the weekend is over. I'm beat. We were in the final days of a big sale, so needless to say I worked a lot and ran around a lot, and dealt with crappy customers...a lot. I did, however have a lovely day yesterday. An early breakfast at the 17th St. Cafe, picked up a case of wine and cooked for my lady, her friends, and my lil sis. I made a baked penne pasta with roasted vegetables, it turned out okay (they liked it a lot), I think next time I'll make the sauce from scratch before using something out of a jar. They always under season that stuff. As for today I'm working on comedy and voice over stuff. Here are your highlights: Trayvon Martin case becomes complicated with the ludicrous "stand your ground" law After a rough couple of years, Tiger Woods wins again Balloon Juice redesign Remembering Bert Sugar Possible hate crime in San Diego The Supreme Court hears the health care debate ...get ready to be disappointed Wal-Mart trying to move ...

Been Away

I totally lost track of time this morning, as my lady and her friends headed to Malibu for some wine tasting. I've also been planning for our wedding, so enjoy this song instead of my links. Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Woah I missed a day, how'd that happen? Oh I know I've been working much more. Both good and bad, I'm here less BAD, however I'm working more GOOD. If you hadn't noticed the Trayvon Martin story is finally receiving the attention it deserves. It's a terrible case of poor judgement, an environment of fear and perhaps some shady police work...hopefully there will be justice for Travyon and his family. I posited on Twitter, the other day, I still can't put my finger on what good the NRA has ever done. We have a ridiculous gun culture in America. It's beyond protecting oneself, it has armed the unfit and encouraged the irrational. I'm aware it's a lost battle, the NRA and the GOP have won the gun debate, however perhaps we can start winning back part of the conversation. "Neighborhood Watch" is not supposed to mean the Wild Wild West. Also too, this is racist . I...

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

Got caught up cleaning and running errands yesterday. The lady comes back from San Fran today and here best buds do as well. It should be a fantastically fun time...but I work all week. "Girl time" they call it. I've unfortunately had less time to write these past couple of months, I need to settle back into a groove. Find the right soundtrack. If anyone knows any cool writing workshops in LA, let me know! Here are your highlights: Florida grand jury to probe Trayvon Martin killing The Ryan budget, not so much a budget The Muppets have finally made it Do you feel that? Warrenmentum N-word bumper stickers NOT RACIST AT ALL!!! #smh Chow!

Ninja Thought

More ninjas please I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Monday

Lots of cleaning for me to do today. The lady is in San Fran at a conference, so I have to now get our place clean for her friends that will be visiting later in the week. I'm pretty sure it's gonna take me all day. Oh joy! I've got work the rest of the week. You peeps hold down the fort. Here are your highlights: Peyton Manning to the Broncos If you not have been following the Trayvon Martin story, please visit here , then read "Stand Your Ground Law" TEH DEFICIT!!!! Oh, what is that? The GOP still wants to end Medicare as we know it Sergio Martinez pulls it off again, with a late round knockout Chow!!

From the Mix Tape - POLICA

I've become obsessed with this song. There is something ethereal about it that draws me in with each listen. The video itself is a... "thought provoking" as well. Over the last couple of days, through a roller-coaster of emotions, this is the song that's settled my nerves. I'm not sure why, but I'm glad it is so. At this point I can also conclude that I've had too much to drink. Awesome. POLICA website I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Friday

It's raining in Santa Monica. This song seems to be a fitting soundtrack. I've got work late tonight. At this moment I'm not sure how I feel about it. I was pretty exciting earlier in the week, now I'm kind of knocked down again. At least it's St. Patrick's Day tomorrow. What's everyone got planned? Drink some Irish Whiskey for me! Here are your highlights: The bracket busting has begun! When Race Baiting is Unintentional It's time to make employers who hate providing health insurance happy... SINGLE PAYER!  How "right-to-work" laws work against those working More about the Afghan killings by a US Soldier George Clooney arrested Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

Please do yourself and watch this video. Sean Flannery is a fantastic comedian out of Chicago and one of the nicest comedians as well. Oh and those Puterbaughs are hilariously awesome women as well. As for Mr. Brice, well never met him, but hard not to like him after watching this video. Check out Sean's show schedule here . Laughter rulez. MARCH MADNESS HAS BEGUN! Here are your highlights: Listen to the 100th episode of the Matthew Filipowicz Show Google, what are you up to? Arizona has literally lost its collective mind Sandra Fluke must have the patience of Job Virginia Tech found negligent in 2007 massacre What left for the Redskins? Hopefully some O-Line Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

How's life? What's new? I'm trying to have a better outlook this week. I've been writing, eating smarter and training at the new job. Good times. So while I like those things that means I'm gonna have a little less blogging going on for a bit till I figure out my schedule. Don't worry it's 2012, RAGE is headed your way especially with the stupid coming from Elefuggs these days. Really Sweater Vest Man wins again ? Really?! We've got issues America. Here are your highlights: The Other Glass Ceiling , where are the black governors? The Redskins had a busy and productive day, getting weapons for RG3 and resigning muscle Don't you know that it's different for hippies The cartoon that Doonesbury wasn't allowed to share in teh papers Is that Austerity working yet? I think you know the answer... Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

I start training today for the job, but before that must happen I have to do a ton of errands. So let's do this and rage on! Here are your highlights: Bring home the troops Nice one NFL, Redskins & Cowboys penalized for "cap space" Seeking Asian Female A polling shift and America proves it is still stupid  or ahem those polled are stupid All Half-Empty, All the Time Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Monday

Well today is my full day off. So I'll be hopefully writing away. This weekend was great, ran a wine-tasting, hung out with my lady and enjoyed some dim-sum. This week I'm training for the promotion job, it should be fun back in a semi-management position. Also too, mo money mo problems. Here are your highlights: Let March Madness begin!! For your health, make it a spicy meal IT'S STILL BUBBA'S COUNTRY -- WE JUST LIVE IN IT The contraception fight continues and it was all Hillary Clinton's fault?  U.S. soldier to be charged in Afghan killings Texas wants to be racist about voting, so teh DOJ finally said, "No butthead, no!" Chow!

RGIII 2012

Hail to the Redskins!!  I am Frank Chow and I approved this message (trying to be as hopeful and positive about this as possible, glad we got him, let's hope Shanny doesn't mess this up)

Get Your Dunkin Friday

Well, after much sweating, prayer and headaches I GOT TEH PROMOTION!! It's not as big of a jump as I'd like, but it's more responsibility, more hours, still allows me to audition and most importantly, pay. Good things. Good times. This hopefully means I can start saving up for our wedding which around the corner. Groomsmen gifts, parents' gifts, BRIDE gift and so on and so forth. As for the politics, above is a video that explains Mitt Romney's problem so well. He kids in a way that's only appealing to the richest of rich . Us real folk can smell the stink of fake pretty darn well *hackspit. Romney is full of fake. Lastly, and also toos, I've got a skit to record today, looking forward to it. Hopefully comedy fame ensues!! Here are your highlights: Employment numbers and positive signs What's really "radical and bizarre"? The Breitbart clowns and their zealous pursuit of untruths Grading Obama Manny Pacquiao is Wesley Snipes? The ...

Slept In

Enjoy this clever video by Grimes . Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Kony 2012 , I had heard about this and read about it, but as the documentary says it became out of sight, so it was out of mind. I support support protecting the children in this campaign. Watch the video, then go over to site and see how you can help. And here are your other highlights: Super Tuesday not so super for Romney The Colts have canned Manning , please Redskins don't get him Yesterday in conservatives restricting voting rights "Howls of the Damned" This is a tale of living, breathing things evolving. We should know better than to think Mother Nature would just lay down. Even the pesky Weeds. Chow! Update: More on the Kony campaign , which after reading makes me change my mind a bit.

Ninja Thought

Advantage Holder I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

I've had a rough past couple of days. Can't seem to get anything done. Can't seem to catch a break. Today, I'm watching Castle and taking notes. Here are your highlights: Hacker turns into a rat In California college is really really expensive Struck by lightning scar That's 20 advertiser Rush 20! Dress like this man this Spring  An interesting looks at our education in America, Racism by the numbers Chow!

Ninja Thought

No 9th Symphony I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Monday

New week. Need focus. Here are your highlights: 10 years of gorgeous space photos Rush is losing it where it counts more advertisers, this time AOL , Who's still advertising? WTF is going on in Virginia? To be honest if we judged the way both the Santorum & Romney campaign were run...they both are terrible leaders Obama is showing great leadership on Iran , now if only Netanyahu... Chow!

People Just Don't

Write like this anymore . I wish I had discovered Steve Gilliard earlier in life, I'd be much wiser today. I am Frank Chow and I approved this message Update: Also too, THIS!

Underlining Theme

Women can't control themselves from their promiscuous ways . So the old-white-pantysniffers-moralkings-vaginahawks, must do it for them. As much as the Right wants to paint this as some religious issue, it really boils down to P and V . Men are allowed to stick their P in anything they want , women need to stop throwing their V at every P they meet. Also too, weaker sex.  ( h/t Booman) I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Friday

It's Friday. And I'm broke. Officially. So let's hope my second interview goes well. I'm pretty down today, so let's just do this. Here are your highlights: Not afraid to say "stimulus" Ahem, Dear Dems Stop Helping the GOP!! You know, I had forgotten about ole Sarah Sprinkles cupcake ATM? Remembering Breitbart, call a spade a spade Memo To Political Bloggers: Please Stop Writing About Economics; You Really Suck At It (read the comments for Steve S.'s solid reply) Chow!

"Gas on the Flames of Jihad"

No comment. I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

So the interview went alright I guess. It's basically between me and another person, luckily the company is growing so if it's not my time now...there are more opportunities around the corner. I did find out that my "confidence" can sometimes be perceived as "cockiness"...apparently as with previous jobs my humor is lost on some. Oh well, can't make people understand sarcasm. If we're all adults and you don't get it, it's probably safe to say you never will. Oh shoot, that's me being "cocky" again...doh. In all seriousness I think I'm finally starting to get over my cold and now can focus on getting in tip top shape for the wedding. Four months! Here are your highlights: Senate halts contraception reversal , barely. Activist judge appointed by Bush says "I'm not racist" after sending racist Obama email Andrew Breitbart dies . I don't think the world will be any kinder, here's a recap of the li...