Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Your Hollywood Wingut- Jon Voight

Why is it that when Israel always comes up, Republicans and Neo-Cons and Wingnuts alike pretend they care about Jewish people....oh I guess because they have "a" Jewish friend.

Summation: Peace is one-sided.

Why is it now do they care about debts and spending...

Summation: It does not count when we do it.

Why is it that they do not read or understand basics economics...

Summation: Economics is for dummies stupid.

Why do they talk about power, "right frame of mind", and liberators of the world....

Summation: They actually think that is true and if you don't like it, you should be destroyed.

This speech all short ten minutes ending with "False Prophet Obama" is a clear view into the mind of Wingnuttia. Malkin even called Voight "brave." Ugghh, how can we have a discussion when it has gotten this bad? I will be quite happy when this kind of fringe is no longer associated with the Republican Party. It is time to quit doing the hat dance....or sadly and maybe this is the real Republican Party now.....

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message.

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