Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Illinois Epic Fail- Civil Unions

Lawmakers in Illinois decided video poker and liquor taxes were more important than equal rights.

Until we start in Illinois with gay marriage the President will be able to avoid gay marriage, gay rights, gay anything. It starts with Illinois because if the President's hometown passes such legislation it provides a feet to the fire response. Nothing says the time is now more than having it happen in Illinois. These are citizens. People first and foremost. Civil unions allow people their basic freedoms. There is nothing wrong with that.

This is what the legislators shot down:

Emergency medical decision making
The right to make funeral arrangements and control disposition of remains
The right to share a nursing home or hospital room and hospital visitation rights
State spousal benefits
Clear procedures and laws for committed couples
Domestic violence protections
Tax relief for partners at the state and local level

Who can honestly argue with that? Luckily, there is no fat lady singing.

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message.

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